Text-to-speech Ruby SDK

The Voice RSS Text-to-Speech Ruby SDK wraps Voice RSS Text-to-Speech API.

The Voice RSS Text-to-Speech Ruby SDKs will help to make integration with our Text-to-Speech API faster and easer.

If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact us via e-mail.


To integrate an application with the Voice RSS Text-to-Speech Ruby SDK it needs to add reference to the package voicerss_tts. The Voice RSS Text-to-Speech Ruby SDK provides possibility to get speech in binary or Base64 string formats.

Convert text-to-speech as a binary array

The following example demonstrates synchronous converting text-to-speech as a binary array and prints result array:

require 'voicerss_tts'

voice = VoiceRSS.speech({
  'key' => '<API key>',
  'hl' => 'en-us',
  'v' => 'Linda',
  'src' => 'Hello, world!',
  'r' => '0',
  'c' => 'mp3',
  'f' => '44khz_16bit_stereo',
  'ssml' => 'false',
  'b64' => 'false'

puts voice

Convert text-to-speech as a Base64 string

The following example demonstrates synchronous converting text-to-speech as a Base64 string and plays it in an internet browser:

require 'voicerss_tts'

voice = VoiceRSS.speech({
  'key' => '<API key>',
  'hl' => 'en-us',
  'v' => 'Linda',
  'src' => 'Hello, world!',
  'r' => '0',
  'c' => 'mp3',
  'f' => '44khz_16bit_stereo',
  'ssml' => 'false',
  'b64' => 'true'

puts '<audio src="' + voice['response'] + '" autoplay="autoplay"></audio>'